Your Home Is A Powerful Place To Make Positive Changes!

Lately we’ve had an increase of people coming in with headaches and some with burning nostrils.
Given the challenges we’ve faced over the last year it seems more people are burning candles in their home because of the ambiance and emotional comfort they create but unbeknownst to most, paraffin and synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum and the off-gassing is very compromising to human health and animals as well. Anymore, when customers express these symptoms, my first question is to ask if they are burning candles in their home and more often than not the answer has been yes.
There are over 80,000 chemicals, solvents and every day products produced from petroleum and for the last thirty years, educating others on these toxins has been important to me because of the devastating impact they have on human health. The truth is that these toxins are everywhere and even though we can’t avoid them in the outside world, we can make simple choices within our own home to greatly reduce our exposure and that’s where our greatest power lies.
Simply put (because this is a two hour class I give)…petro-derivatives produce estrogen-mimicking molecules and our body uptakes them readily so everyone is being exposed to, too much estrogen leading to total havoc to our endocrine system, the system that produces hormones meant to regulate our body. When the endocrine system is imbalanced, biochemical chaos unfolds and the end result is much of what we’re witnessing these days…high estrogenic cancer rates including men developing breast cancer, headaches, mood swings, depression, anxiety, infertility, sterility, abnormal cycles, young boys developing breasts, young girls developing too soon, weakened bones and a host of other imbalances as well…the list is long.
Making baby steps in your home is a powerful place to begin and getting rid of paraffin based candles and all products with synthetic fragrances (perfume, cologne, dryer sheets, plug-ins, air fresheners) is a simple place to start.
Disease doesn’t just happen…it’s being fed and when open our heart to learn then take action to make positive change, good health will follow. Peace.