Newsletter – June 2015
The Real Issue About Vaccines
The vaccine issue has been brewing for years in this country. It’s an emotionally charged issue for people on both sides of the fence but thanks to the media “fear” campaign, the fear factor is growing.
The result? Several states are writing legislation to FORCE vaccines on millions of people. Currently, California has active legislation that if passed, would make it mandatory for all newborns to 18 years of age to be vaccinated with whatever the “experts” feel is necessary…no matter how many vaccines that means, without regard to the toxic ingredients they all contain, and with acknowledging the adverse reactions happening in many people. It’s an emotionally-charged conversation on both sides of the fence, but after years of discussing this issue with thousands of people, this is what I’ve come to understand.
The REAL issue is NOT about whether vaccines are safe or effective; the REAL issue EVERYONE should be thinking about is this: should medical authorities and governmental officials have the right to tell you what to do with your body and how to take care of your health, whether you agree with it or not? It’s that simple. That’s the bottom line.
Deciding how to care for our own bodies and the choices we make in regard to our health is the MOST intimate right we have. If we allow others to determine what is “best” for each of us, the reality is that one day those “others” might decide that all medical treatments are necessary too. If we give our rights away on this issue then one day chemo, radiation, aggressive surgeries, and endless pharmaceuticals might all become mandated as well—throughout the course of our life, right up to death.
So the real question to consider is how does everyone in this country want to live?
Forced vaccines, if passed, will alter our nation forever, in ways that I think most Americans considering. So no matter what your personal view is on the subject of vaccines, please take a stand for personal choice. Most importantly, protect your right to have power over your own body. If we truly are the ‘Land of the Free and the Brave,’ then I pray the majority of Americans will say NO to vaccine/medical mandates and protect our personal choice for the health and future of our nation.