Newsletter – May 2015
Help Get Rid of Systemic Yeast Overgrowth
Systemic yeast overgrowth is very prevalent in the United States and I believe an unspoken health epidemic. After guiding thousands of customers for many years on this issue, it’s fair to say that most doctors don’t understand it or look for it or know what to do about it…other than throwing another pharmaceutical at it, which does NOTHING to balance it.
The historical unfolding of industrialization, factory farming, mass-medication of antibiotics and synthetic estrogen through the food supply and (in the 1950s) convincing women not to nurse their babies have all lead millions of people into the health mess they’re in. In truth, our FIRST line of defense for proper digestion and quality health is beneficial flora—good bacteria—probiotics, and that’s what’s missing. Without proper colonization of the good flora throughout the alimentary canal, human health is severely compromised.
So if you’re dealing with chronic bloat, gas, thyroid imbalances, adrenal fatigue, breathing/asthmatic problems, menstrual imbalances, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, rectal itching, sinus/ear/throat/thrush infections, vaginal or urinary infections, fibroids, anxiety/depression/mental confusion/brain fog, sensitivity to smells/solvents/chemicals, nail fungus/athlete’s foot/jock itch, extreme sugar and carb cravings…honor your body and know that it’s asking for help and NOT another pharmaceutical, especially an antibiotic!
Changing what you’re eating and being on the right supplement protocol is really the answer for most imbalances in the 21st century. It’s the FIRST step to balancing most of what ails the American people.
Come visit us today and we’ll help guide your supplement protocol.