Newsletter – November 2011
It seems that the “Breast Cancer Awareness” campaign has flooded our country from coast to coast. It doesn’t matter where you look, there are pink ribbons everywhere. Even Pro football players are “pinked.”
I appreciate and respect the fact that so many well-intended and loving people are participating in the “fight against breast cancer” however I have to wonder… what is the message that is being sent to millions of women and why is it a fight, a battle, a war? Is the message being sent empowering individuals or creating victims? Is it teaching people that they can participate in their own wellness or is it saying “you’re going to get cancer, so find it early.”
Daily I am asked why the Susan G. Komen foundation is promoting mammograms and tamoxifen, both which have been linked to cancer. It is a very important question that I applaud people for asking and it needs to be asked loudly and publicly. I am happy that many people are finally doing their homework about the message this foundation is pushing on our nation and questioning the fundamental ideology of this organization. Sending a message that early detection is the only way to approach breast cancer is a message that I find very offensive, disturbing and sad for anyone that believes it.
There are many groups in this country claiming to be helping to find a “cure” for something, all the while defrauding the public trust. The SGK foundation seems to be yet another one of these organizations claiming to have the answers, all the while promoting questionable products and receiving money from corporations that are producing cancer-causing products. Blatantly promoting products and services that have a long history of harming people has nothing to do with health and wellness, but everything to do with greed and deceit.
To “war” against ourselves is the most unfortunate message I can think of sending to the American public; to see our bodies as the enemy is tragic. The health of the people in this country is directly affected by toxins that abound in the American food supply, everyday body care and cosmetics, well-known household cleaning supplies and in general, a contaminated environment.
The beauty of all of this is that we have the power and the ability to change what’s happening in the world around us. Every person purchasing everyday products has the power to make a difference. Instead of giving money to drug companies to “find a cure” how about everyone participating in the quality of their own life by eating foods grown without pesticides, using body care products that are free of petroleum byproducts (parabens) discovering new cleaning products that are safe for you and your family and in general…caring. That’s all it takes…is to care. Make a commitment to your own health; invest in your wellness. Change how you spend your dollars and it will change the world around you. The idea that eating healthy is too expensive is nonsense; it doesn’t mean anything anymore because we all know what disease and sickness is costing our nation, both financially and emotionally. It is ravaging this country and devastating millions of families. If we continue to ask the drug companies to find the answer without being willing to participate in the solution, we have only ourselves to blame.
Invest in wellness; it will prove to be the greatest investment you will ever make for yourself, our children and the future of this country! In peace and wellness