Powering your immune system
The flu epidemic of 1918 was a terrible time in our human history; an estimated 50+ million people worldwide were the casualties. Because of this, it’s certainly easy to understand why such a fear factor has developed in regard to the flu. Some of the greatest scientists at that time were working diligently to understand what exactly was causing such harm; originally they thought it was a bacteria but with dedication and years time, they came to understand it was a virus. It wasn’t until the 1940’s that the first flu vaccine was approved for the military, then for civilians.
Science helps us understand not only the world around us, but also the microscopic world our eyes can’t see, and because of science…we’re all the wiser. But with knowledge about disease there should be a responsibility to uphold truth and to embrace ALL avenues for improved human health…not just what drug companies produce.
It saddens me deeply that in this day and age with all the brilliant knowledge that abounds…the only message being sent to the American public from doctors, public officials and policy makers is to get a flu shot…that the flu vaccine is our only hope to protect us from the flu. But if everyone were being honest and using some level of integrity… thanks to science we also have a greater understanding about herbs, their incredible properties and the power-packed protection they offer us…even when it comes to a virus.
If every public official really wanted to sound the alarm to protect the public, they would be telling everyone to do everything in our power and use ALL the tools that are available to strengthen us…beginning with Nature. Probiotics and D3 should be top of the list, and when you throw in all the herbs with incredible powerful anti viral activity… black elderberry, olive leaf, garlic, ginger, oregano oil, Echinacea, astragalus, cat’s claw, licorice root… it’s all pure power for our immune system… and best of all… safely and effectively. Being proactive with our health, especially in this day and age is a wise thing to do, every day for everyone…it just makes good sense.