Powering your immune system

The flu epidemic of 1918 was a terrible time in our human history; an estimated 50+ million people worldwide were the casualties. Because of this, it’s certainly easy to understand why such a fear factor has developed in regard to the flu. Some of the greatest scientists at that time were working diligently to understand what exactly was causing such harm; originally they thought it was a bacteria but with dedication and years time, they came to understand it was a virus. It wasn’t until the 1940’s that the first flu vaccine was approved for the military, then for civilians.

Science helps us understand not only the world around us, but also the microscopic world our eyes can’t see, and because of science…we’re all the wiser. But with knowledge about disease there should be a responsibility to uphold truth and to embrace ALL avenues for improved human health…not just what drug companies produce.

It saddens me deeply that in this day and age with all the brilliant knowledge that abounds…the only message being sent to the American public from doctors, public officials and policy makers is to get a flu shot…that the flu vaccine is our only hope to protect us from the flu. But if everyone were being honest and using some level of integrity… thanks to science we also have a greater understanding about herbs, their incredible properties and the power-packed protection they offer us…even when it comes to a virus.

If every public official really wanted to sound the alarm to protect the public, they would be telling everyone to do everything in our power and use ALL the tools that are available to strengthen us…beginning with Nature. Probiotics and D3 should be top of the list, and when you throw in all the herbs with incredible powerful anti viral activity… black elderberry, olive leaf, garlic, ginger, oregano oil, Echinacea, astragalus, cat’s claw, licorice root… it’s all pure power for our immune system… and best of all… safely and effectively. Being proactive with our health, especially in this day and age is a wise thing to do, every day for everyone…it just makes good sense.

Tips to improve your pet’s health

Many customers are asking why I think so many cats are getting urinary tract infections and so many dogs are getting skin issues. I respect that people are thinking about it and I think it’s an important question to ask. What’s interesting to me is that most have already concluded for themselves, it’s the food they’re feeding them and that’s why they’ve come in…to learn how to feed them right.

In truth, dogs and especially cats are carnivores… they’re meant to get their nutrient requirements from animal… protein and fats from muscle and organ meat, minerals from bones and occasional greens…grains, fillers and man-made chemicals added to preserve and enhance color and taste…are not on their menu.

Unfortunately, many pet foods in the marketplace continue to contain these things, leading to gut distress and ultimately whacking out their pH, which leads them into a biochemical mess. When that happens, inflammation occurs and misery is sure to follow… it’s that simple.

As always, I believe putting our money upfront into quality food for them and for us… is a big piece of the answer. In reality, the money being spent on pharmaceuticals that chase symptoms, people using their precious time going to doc’s appointments, loss of time from work and family and after all that often still not feeling well…will always be far more expensive than just putting our money up front into quality food in the first place.

Thank you to everyone that’s coming in to check out our pet department and for trusting our guidance; it’s very appreciated! Peace.

The Symptoms of Synthetic Estrogen

Man-made estrogens are everywhere and learning to reduce your exposure may be one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Synthetic estrogen is a result of industrialization and the discovery of petroleum in the 1800s. Since then, the world has been exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and products that the world before the 1800s didn’t have.

Here are some of the common symptoms that synthetic estrogen is known to cause—you’re just not going to hear about it on the nightly news. The list is long but here goes…
Mood swings, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, problems with the menstrual cycle, difficulty getting pregnant, imbalances with peri-menopause and menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, tender breasts (men too), young girls developing too fast and the menstrual cycle starting too early, young boys developing breasts, prostate, breast (men included) and colon cancers, bloat, gas, endometriosis, erectile dysfunction, weak bones, sugar cravings, chronic vaginal and urinary infections, systemic yeast overgrowth, eczema, psoriasis, depression, mood swings, estrogenic-based cancers (yes, I put them on the list TWICE for a reason!)…the list goes on and on and on.
So do yourself a favor—the next time someone asks you to donate money to find the cure for cancer, tell them NO THANK YOU because you’re learning to participate in the solution. Reduce the commercial man-made chemicals you’re using in and around your home, get rid of commercial dairy products, quit eating cheap meat and fast food junk, ditch the commercial perfume, cologne and parabens, get rid of toxic cleaning products, and most importantly care about the products you’re exposing you and your loved ones to. Support CLEAN food and products. Now that’s the BEST cancer prevention you can put your money into!

Newsletter – June 2015

The Real Issue About Vaccines

The vaccine issue has been brewing for years in this country. It’s an emotionally charged issue for people on both sides of the fence but thanks to the media “fear” campaign, the fear factor is growing.

The result? Several states are writing legislation to FORCE vaccines on millions of people. Currently, California has active legislation that if passed, would make it mandatory for all newborns to 18 years of age to be vaccinated with whatever the “experts” feel is necessary…no matter how many vaccines that means, without regard to the toxic ingredients they all contain, and with acknowledging the adverse reactions happening in many people. It’s an emotionally-charged conversation on both sides of the fence, but after years of discussing this issue with thousands of people, this is what I’ve come to understand.

The REAL issue is NOT about whether vaccines are safe or effective; the REAL issue EVERYONE should be thinking about is this: should medical authorities and governmental officials have the right to tell you what to do with your body and how to take care of your health, whether you agree with it or not? It’s that simple. That’s the bottom line.

Deciding how to care for our own bodies and the choices we make in regard to our health is the MOST intimate right we have. If we allow others to determine what is “best” for each of us, the reality is that one day those “others” might decide that all medical treatments are necessary too. If we give our rights away on this issue then one day chemo, radiation, aggressive surgeries, and endless pharmaceuticals might all become mandated as well—throughout the course of our life, right up to death.

So the real question to consider is how does everyone in this country want to live?

Forced vaccines, if passed, will alter our nation forever, in ways that I think most Americans considering. So no matter what your personal view is on the subject of vaccines, please take a stand for personal choice. Most importantly, protect your right to have power over your own body. If we truly are the ‘Land of the Free and the Brave,’ then I pray the majority of Americans will say NO to vaccine/medical mandates and protect our personal choice for the health and future of our nation.

Newsletter – May 2015

Help Get Rid of Systemic Yeast Overgrowth

Systemic yeast overgrowth is very prevalent in the United States and I believe an unspoken health epidemic. After guiding thousands of customers for many years on this issue, it’s fair to say that most doctors don’t understand it or look for it or know what to do about it…other than throwing another pharmaceutical at it, which does NOTHING to balance it.

The historical unfolding of industrialization, factory farming, mass-medication of antibiotics and synthetic estrogen through the food supply and (in the 1950s) convincing women not to nurse their babies have all lead millions of people into the health mess they’re in. In truth, our FIRST line of defense for proper digestion and quality health is beneficial flora—good bacteria—probiotics, and that’s what’s missing. Without proper colonization of the good flora throughout the alimentary canal, human health is severely compromised.

So if you’re dealing with chronic bloat, gas, thyroid imbalances, adrenal fatigue, breathing/asthmatic problems, menstrual imbalances, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, rectal itching, sinus/ear/throat/thrush infections, vaginal or urinary infections, fibroids, anxiety/depression/mental confusion/brain fog, sensitivity to smells/solvents/chemicals, nail fungus/athlete’s foot/jock itch, extreme sugar and carb cravings…honor your body and know that it’s asking for help and NOT another pharmaceutical, especially an antibiotic!

Changing what you’re eating and being on the right supplement protocol is really the answer for most imbalances in the 21st century. It’s the FIRST step to balancing most of what ails the American people.

Come visit us today and we’ll help guide your supplement protocol.